Took my 2014 toyota Corolla in for an Estimate on - Sam D
Took my 2014 toyota Corolla in for an Estimate on Passenger door lock Front and passenger door back not working. Got an estimate for $720.+ $159 diagnostic +taxes. Agreed to pay for latch at around $600 (For refurbished unit, instead) but The dealer still wanted to charge me for the Diagnostic. It is very easy to identify that an actuator for a lock is not working. Diagnostic Should not be part of the bill of sale. PLUS, initially wasn't told about diagnostic cost. Never signed off on paying for an one(Isn’t the law that they need your permission before you are charged something at a garage?) but yet I was charged for one. How ridiculous!
Thought no problem, I will pay for the diagnostic but now I cannot afford to get my locks fixed so I asked to be given a detailed quote on exactly what needed to be replaced and how much time it would take, so I could take it to a better garage. That detail was not included in the bill of sale that I paid for. I would strongly NOT recommend the North London dealership. I am very surprised that they are still in business. Customer service is TERRIBLE!! I wish I would have taken it to Competition Toyota, which I have dealt with many times. Next time, I would drive 30 minutes there then go to North London Toyota, which is only around the corner from my house. Please, please, please save your Hard earned money. Go to a reputable garage, instead.
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