Transferred title of my vehicle to a random stranger - andrea.macmillan
The sale went fine (although I came knowing what I wanted, paid cash, and was basically the easiest sale in the history of ever). A week or so later, I phoned to see if my certificate of title was en route. "Oh, yes, it's been mailed out." A week later, still nothing. This time, "Oh, you probably gave the Registry the wrong address." (I didn't.) Started calling daily. Sometimes they would answer. Sometimes they would answer, giggle in the background, then disconnect immediately. When I did manage to get someone, now it was "Oh, the guy who knows how to do that is away right now." And "I'll call you back." (He didn't.) My temporary permit ran out. I went to the Registry and resorted to having the service rep phone on my behalf to try and get things sorted out. After THREE HOURS of handing my cell phone back and forth to the RMV lady and having her supervisor involved and several other reps cheering me on, I was promised that my paperwork was done and all was right with the world. Oh, the vehicle had now been transferred, alright. TO A RANDOM STRANGER. Yes, that's right. THEY GAVE TITLE OF MY CAR TO A RANDO. After eight hours (just today), it's still not sorted out, my car ownership is still in limboland, and I get to do this all again tomorrow.
The car is awesome, though, by the way. Try a different dealer, though. This one sucks.
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