Bought a Lincoln and get there to only find out I have to - RM
Bought a Lincoln and get there to only find out I have to wait 2hr’s longer while they try to figure out the price we agreed on and the price of the bank draft I brought them does not match what they thought it should be. Even though that is the amount written in an email to bring them. So, as they cant figure that out they ask me to pay for a 1year pre-paid service package to make their numbers work on paper....really!!! there’s your first sign of incompetence. Then after having weeks of time to get my plate registration/sticker, this too is not available, STRIKE 2!! If that does not make you unhappy, they also do NOT even have my vehicles protection package (complete mat and trunk liner protection) THAT YOU ORDER WHEN YOU BUILD YOUR VEHICLE!!! How do you mess this part of an order up when it’s a check box on your build you have to click with your mouse?? Total and utter incompetence on this dealerships part.
After all that and requesting a refund for a winter tire and rim package not needed BUT paid for in full. Management agrees on the refund, sends me a cheque that DOES not have the HST applied to it, which I paid for on the agreement I signed and the bank draft. Many emails requesting the HST part of my refund to only be ignored by the dealership. If I was the owner id be embarrassed about my staffs incompetence but goes to show its all about the money in the long run.
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