This dealership betrayed my trust, privacy, and - David
This dealership betrayed my trust, privacy, and confidentiality as a customer when they reported me to the police because I confided my car problems to them, I don't have top speed anymore. The police came knocking to my home in the middle of the sleep to interrogate me about speeding, but thank God, they just warned me. BHW's malicious intention against me didn't succeed that night.
Btw, honda has a speeding culture and they promote speed as evidenced by their promotion of racing internally and externally, fast moving honda's in snowy back roads, checkered flag, honda racing uniform and many more. In fact when I used to work for them in 2018 to 2019, one of the pre delivery inspection mechanic told me he took a brand new type r to 180 kmh when he did the delivery inspection in a 70 zone.
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